Good day, Joe and STOers! I wanted to try and get this piece out before the 35% Off sale ended for the Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle on PC, and hopefully this is the same discount Playstation/XBox players will get once that Bundle goes to them. This post won’t be as detailed as in the past since everything more or less has a fixed Zen price, so there’s no need to go into Exchange-based pricing converted to Zen like past Legendary ships (as most had a version available as a Lockbox/Lobi/Promo ship or had items only available in Lockbox/Lobi/Promo boxes).


Here’s what all you get with the Legendary Romulan Warbird Bundle:

At 35% off, this bundle that lists for 12,000 Zen is 7,800 Zen. That’s $80 USD ($50 = 5,300 Zen; $20 = 2,000; $10 = 1,000) if you’re buying without having any Zen already or without turning Dilithium into Zen (which can take a while. There’s a “Zen Burn” happening where supplies of Zen are low, meaning your attempt to buy Zen with Dilithium may take a while even at 500:1). If you already have 500 Zen (Lifetime Subscriber’s monthly stipend on PC), that goes down to $70 USD ($50 = 5,300; $20 = 2,000; 500 already stored; total is 7,800 Zen).

I’ll break this down two ways: Looking at the items individually with ships just counting as traditional C-Store T6 ships, and with AstroAlligator’s breakdown from Twitter looking at what ships you essentially wouldn’t need to get and assigning a Zen cost to those ships plus the other items in the Bundle.


So let’s look at this as if it were a 3-ship Bundle with extras. You’re getting essentially:

  • 3 Tier 6 ships
    • Legendary Scimitar Intel Dreadnought Warbird
    • Legendary D’Deridex Miracle Worker Battlecruiser Warbird
    • T6 C-Store ship of choice
      • Can’t get other Legendaries or Mudd’s Market ships.
    • TOTAL VALUE: 9,000 Zen (a T6 ship individually is 3,000 Zen, so 3,000 x 3 = 9,000 Zen)
  • 4x Infinity Promotion DOFF packs
    • TOTAL VALUE: 1,200 Zen (300 Zen each x 4; there is not a 4-pack of specifically Romulan Survivor DOFF packs)
  • 2x T6-X Upgrade Tokens
    • TOTAL VALUE: 2,000 Zen (1,000 Zen each x 2)
  • 2x Ship Slots
    • TOTAL VALUE: 500 Zen
  • 3x Uniforms
    • TOS-era Romulan
    • TNG-era Romulan
    • Reman
    • TOTAL VALUE: 1,650 Zen (550 Zen each x 3)

I’m not counting the Reman species unlock as that can be done for free by reaching Tier 5 of the Romulan Republic Reputation.

COMBINED SIMPLIFIED VALUE: 14,350 Zen, or a cash equivalent of $140 ($100 = 11,000; $20 = 2,000; $20 = 2,000, total of 15,000 Zen) with 650 Zen left over OR $130 (for 14,000 Zen) with 350 Zen coming from buying Zen with 175,000 Dilithium (at 500:1 and if it goes through [there’s currently a “Zen Burn”, so Zen availability is spotty])

As we can see, at the 12,000 Zen full price this is a 2,350 Zen savings, essentially giving you the Uniforms and Ship Slots for free.

On sale, though, it becomes a much better deal. With 35% off, you’re basically paying for the Legendaries (6,000 Zen) and the T6-X Upgrades (2,000 Zen) and netting you 200 Zen of equivalent value already. The coupon is tradeable to players, so there’s most, if not all, of almost any Lobi ship, effectively trading off an account-wide T6 for a character-specific Lobi T6 ship. The DOFF packs can sell well, so there could be a decent Personal Space Trait or Personal Ground Trait or two you can now afford. If you’d rather have the EC than two ships upgraded to T6-X, you can sell those and get 2-3 more of the most widely used Personal Space or Personal Ground Traits.


Let’s look at this from Astro Alligator‘s perspective. He views the value of the bundle in terms of no longer needing the non-Legendary versions of the ships, then treating the Legendaries as new 3,000-Zen ships. Let’s look at his break-down:


This was before we got the 4th DOFF pack, so add another 300 Zen to his valuation.

He comes up with 32,350 Zen worth of value in this Bundle. Why?


  • You’d no longer need the T5 Scimitars. You get their skins and consoles. The downside to this is not getting 3 semi-different ship T5 platforms and 3 T5 Admiralty cards.
  • You’d no longer need the T6 Scimitars. You get their skins, consoles, and Tier 5 Starship Mastery traits. HOWEVER…this may be where your personal valuation changes. These are the same consoles and traits on the Legendary Verity Command Dreadnought Cruiser (from the 10th Anniversary Bundle), the C-Store T6 Odysseys, and the T6 Bortasqu’s. Because you may have the Legendary Verity or the T6 Odysseys, this may be a non-consideration except for the skins. Also consider you don’t get 3 semi-different ship platforms and 3 T6 Admiralty cards. You do get 1 new Admiralty card for this ship in particular.
  • As this comes with a new Starship Mastery trait and is a technically different ship than any other version of it, this takes on 3,000 Zen of value as a new ship.


  • You’d no longer need the Tier 4, Tier 5, or Tier 6 versions. Tier 4 ships used to be available for 1,500 Zen. You also lose out on 3 ship platforms, but if you’re using Tier 4 ships at endgame, you’re either trying for a challenge or haven’t discovered Tier 5 or strictly better Tier 6 ships.
  • HOWEVER…the Tier 6 D’deridex (D’Khella) comes with the same console and Tier 5 Starship Mastery Trait as the Andromeda Exploration Cruiser and the Legendary Ross Command Exploration Cruiser from the 10th Anniversary Legendary Bundle. If you have either of those, the T6 version may be a non-issue, taking 3,000 Zen off this value.
  • If Admiralty is an important thing, there’s no T4, T5, or original T6 cards to go with this. You do get a single new Admiralty card for this ship in particular.
  • As this comes with a new Starship Mastery trait and is a technically different ship than any other version of it, this takes on 3,000 Zen of value as a new ship.

He values everything else as I do, so there’s no need to rerun those valuations.


The value in paying 7,800 Zen for this Bundle really comes down to…what do you value and how?

Do you view this as if you were going to buy all those ships and items anyway? Were you thinking of getting most of those things but this gets you out of that? Then this is a huge savings! It’s 7,800 Zen for upwards of 32,000 Zen and change. That’s about a 76% discount!

Do you view this as just 2 new ships, 1 ship of choice (mostly), and extras? You’re then comparing the 7,800 Zen price to 14,000 and change. That would be a 46% or so discount.

Do you take AstroAlligator’s valuation but never wanted the T6 Scimitars? Take 6,000 Zen off his valuation and re-calculate the percent discount.

Didn’t want the Uniforms? Take 1,650 off both our valuations and re-calculate.

All I or anyone else can do is give you some perspectives on value and explain where we’re coming from. You could even modify some of this (“Well, I don’t value ships at full price, so let me re-figure this at 20% off all ship prices as that’s when I tend to buy ships”) to best fit what you feel is actually valuable, as CounterYolo has done at least a couple times.

While we can’t separate consoles, traits, skins, etc. from the ships themselves, when CounterYolo does his valuations he essentially does that by assigning values of importance to different parts of the ship(s) and seeing if the ship(s) become worth buying to him. For example, when he did his 10th Anniversary Legendary Bundle video, he broke down the ships like this:

He knew what he wanted to value everything at and what weight to give certain characteristics, then he assigned a dollar value for each ship and added up what value of the parts he personally saw having value in the ships. Some had no subjective value, while many had at least 2 good things going for them out of 4, meaning each ship was worth at least half the cost of getting them through their non-Legendary means.

And that’s all fine, too! That’s subjective value, where you decide for yourself if full values are worth using, if you want to use a weighted system (like CounterYolo does, in this case having 4 categories that are each 1/4 of the ship’s normal acquisition price), if you even want a ship(s) or item(s), etc.


I think I’ve answered the question of if this is objectively a good value. I think Astro Alligator, through a different route, has also answered that conclusively. At the worst case of looking at this as 3 ships plus extras, you barely come out ahead of even the full price, but you get a nearly 50% discount under that viewpoint. Under Astro’s, it’s around 75% or so.

However, you know what you have available, what you had wanted, and what you think is important to your enjoyment of the game. You make the decision that’s right for you.

Until some unknown point in the future where I’ll try to be a bit more active, take care and enjoy Star Trek Online!

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