And now…a chance for YOU to help with Joe and STO’s ability to expand content coverage.

(Cover image from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, property CBS/Paramount)

As you likely know, STO’s not a cheap game in which to get caught up and stay caught up on the meta or even just your favorite ships. Where I come in, in the grander scheme of STO content creation, is to let you know as best I can if something’s worth buying. I usually do that with pure financial analysis and some pros and cons to the packages STO puts on offer.

I’d like to contribute more, but I’ll need help to do it.

I’d like to do more regular ship reviews. Nothing fancy, nothing for the meta, but I have a feeling most people who read my ramblings aren’t meta players, anyway. I feel you’re the financially questionable types, the ones who will only buy something if it makes sense to your fun (and budget) to do so.

My first target for this expanded coverage is the 13th Anniversary Bundle.

“But they haven’t announced anything for it yet!”, I hear you shouting from the back (Please, not so loud!). Well, today they did!

…Twitter embeds seem to be broken, or I’m not doing it right.

There! We have our Bundle being previewed! As of this writing (Saturday, January 4th, 2023), we have 2 known ships: a Terran Prometheus/Hestia, and a Terran Sutherland/Monitor. The other 3 ships won’t all be Odysseys (they’re just using the silhouettes to hide was they really are), and I’m betting on them being 2 more new ships and 1 account-wide unlock for a previous Terran Lock Box ship (so either the Styx, Acheron, or Mirror Warship).

The Details

I’d ask that you consider donating at least $5 to my Ko-Fi page (linked below). I figured a combination of sales price, taxes (both sales tax and income tax), and any transaction fees would put my full price at ~$150 for a fully-funded bundle.

“But what do I get!?,” you ask. (Again, please, DON’T SHOUT!…Thank you.)

Since this will be a Bundle, I’ll break up the cost for the fundraiser.

So here’s what I’m thinking:

  • Once we know the new ships in the Bundle, I’ll split that $150 into equal parts (as equally as possible, anyway).
  • If I get enough to cover 1 ship, I’ll definitely do a review post of 1 ship, and it’ll be the highest donator’s choice which ship I review and what kind of build I use. (I have to limit it to “kind” because I may not have everything I’d need on a single character and/or the time to level up ships for traits.).
  • If I get enough to cover two ships, the top 2 donators choose the first 2 ships and their build types, with the highest contributor getting first choice.
  • That’ll keep on for a possible 3rd ship, 4th ship, etc.
  • In addition…the top contributor gets their choice of a Personal Space Trait, while another random donator gets their choice. This “perk” has to be limited to PC and PlayStation; sorry, XBox fans who are interested! Be sure you have a valid Star Trek Online handle I can in-game E-mail the trait to and that you provide it upon request.
  • All donators get credit in the blog post(s) and/or any video content I do with the ship(s). Just keep your preferred name clean and respectable (sorry, Mr. McFartsALot, find another name). I try to be a relatively clean source of information (and perhaps entertainment as you see my solo runs and wonder how I’ve been playing this long like that. :p ).

If this proves successful, I’ll do more crowdsourced material.

The Link:

It’s not much, but it is mine. 🙂

Nothing will ever be paywalled. Funding may decide if I even do the content, but if I do get to do a write-up(s) (and possibly a video(s)), it’ll be available to everyone at the same time.

If you’ve ever:

  • Enjoyed my (few) builds, or
  • Valued my valuation posts (and hopefully saved you some cash in the process, either by not buying or buying when you had just wanted 1 ship), or
  • You’d like to see a more casual player’s perspective of the upcoming 13th Anniversary Bundle,

    Consider donating into the Ko-Fi account. Any bit helps!

As Dr. Carol Marcus said, “This concludes [my] proposal. Thank you for your attention.”

Until next time (which will likely be another “Grand Experiment” update), take care and continue enjoying Star Trek Online!

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